Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Week 14 Exercise - Representational, Abstract, & Symbolic


This is the example of abstract level of design.  From the picture, it just looks like shapes, lines, and colors, thrown together.  But from the certain shapes, you can throw the story together.  First, we have the display of circles in the middle.  From looking at these, they can be seen as either speaker cones or records which can be the source of sound and music.  The lines can show the sound waves that show the path in which they travel in.  Lastly, there are the circles in the back that are arranged and fade to the end with smaller circles.  These can suggest the pulse created from music.  The pulse that the bass and lows create that hit hard at first and fade off periodically.


 Photo: http://blogs.villagevoice.com/statusainthood/ti_l.jpg

This would be the representational level of design.  In this picture, the artist, T.I. shows the two types of people he has been in his life.  On the left, he represents his lifestyle and personality growing up before he had matured.  The baggy jeans, tank top, tilted baseball cap, gold chain, rubber band, milk crate and stereo represent the life of growing up in the inner-city environment where this is common.  On the right side, you see him dressed in what appears to be a tailored suit.  This suit represents the business man that he had become as well.  It is the likely attire in many corporate buildings with CEO's, Executives, and other leaders of companies.  It represents a more mature and sophisticated side.


 Photo: http://blogs.the-american-interest.com/wrm/files/2010/03/United-nations-peace-sculpture.jpg

This is the symbolic aspect, which symbolizes a cry for peace.  In this scuplture, the barrell of the gun is tied in a know.  The knot is the stop of bullets flying out of the barrell.  The bullets that would more than likely hit someone or something.  It shows one way to stop the violence by putting guns down.  The knot would work similar to a hose.  Where if you were to tie or fold a hose, the water would be stopped from spraying out.  This works in the same way where it would suggest a stop in gun violence and violence in other forms.

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