Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Week 15 Exercise

Photo Credit: http://www.allthingsdisneyonline.com/VinylmationKermitMouse.jpg

This image posted above demontrates the Symbolic AND Recognizable aspects of design.  To start off with the symbolic nature, the toy is in the shape of Mickey Mouse which highly symbolic in regards to Disney.  With the ears, gloves, and clothes,   it is pretty evident that it is taking on the shape of Mickey Mouse.  For the recognizable aspects, this would be the way that the toy is colored.  It can be seen that it was not colored in a way for it to be Mickey Mouse.  It can be seen as Kermit The Frog. The eyes, mouth, and shapes under his mouth are highly recognized to be those of Kermit and not Mickey Mouse.  Not to mention, that the different placement of the actual eyes and mouth of Kermit are not placed where Mickey Mouse's eyes and mouth are.

While it is clear what this item is with the supplies in place, if you were envision it empty, it would display the abstract aspects.  The particular shapes of the openings do not suggest a specific item.  It still does however, give you the notion that the product itself is for use to store or organize whatever it is you may have.  The way that the openings and the base is positioned is very similar to if a person was to just assume a place or item is for sitting down.  The item is not shaped to resemble anything, but from the way that it is put together, the method of usage is clear.

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