Tuesday, September 21, 2010

WK 4: Visual Thinking Research

On this exercise, we had chosen the puzzles of the cat and finding what month the symbols create.  When doing the cat puzzle, I first started just by pattern seeking right to left.  From there I scanned the image from right to left while numbering and seeing the obvious triangles that stood out.  After that I had used the pattern completion to see what other possibilities there may be that were not so obvious at first glanced.  When I was finished counting, I had 18 triangles counted, while my friend had 21triangles.  From there we looked over what triangles we had chosen and noticed through the pattern completion that I was short of one and he had went over by 2 triangles making the total of 19 triangles that were in the cat.  In the Finding The Month puzzle, I had initially started looking at each symbol to see if there were any patterns that may relate to a certain season. I had began to categorize the shapes but saw no similarity.  On accident, I had glanced at it from the bottom going up and saw the letters J-U-L-Y forming.  This may have been the visual memory part due to the noticing and remembering the shapes that those letters form. 

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