Tuesday, September 28, 2010

WK 5 Blog Exercise: Visual vs Symbolic Language

Photo credit:  http://crazetoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/unemployment.jpg

Responses To Image
  • depression
  • just fired
  • lost
  • confused
  • worried
Symbols In Image
  • Suitcase
  • Bottom of stairs
  • Suit
  • Dark/Overcast location
  • Business/Financial area
  • Sitting on steps
  • hand on head
  • looking down on floor
  • no one around
In this picture, there is a man that looks to be just fired from his job.  He is still wearing his suit and his suitcase is right by him on stairs he is sitting on.  Not only is he sitting on the floor, but he is at the bottom of the stairs which can show some sort of symbolism as if he is back on the bottom of the corporate ladder.  As he sits on the stairs, he has his head down facing the floor with his hand on his head in a state of depression, confusion, and just being lost in the situation.  It also appears that the weather looks like it is either very dark or overcast, or it is at a later time of the day in which he was fired after his shift at work.   The area he is sitting in also does not have anyone around which can make it look as if he has been sitting on the steps for a long time and everyone had already left home. 

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