Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Week 6 Blog Exercise - Design Success and Failure in Relation to Syntactical Guidelines

I am currently a Product Design & Development major.  I chose this picture of this sketch because it really just broke it down with simplicity.  The series of pictures had a good use of the positive/negative aspect of the syntactical guidelines.  The positives in this case would be the figures that were actually colored in to show dept.  The man focus is clearly the chair in the top corner which is a lot larger then everything else shown.  They had also used  good attention grabbing and grouping techniques.  They had grouped the actual sketches together on the top right portion as what looks like the other products to be released in this line of furniture.  And like discussed earlier with the positive/negative aspects, the different pieces of matching furniture are colored in as well.
This image above would be the "failure" picture   I had chosen.  In this picture, they designer have everything all spread out and almost lost in the clutter.  They did grab attention with the colored sketches of what looks to be the finished design, but there are also many small hints are color throughout that sidetrack the eye.  The sketches also seem to be randomly placed.   It is hard to tell at first glance which sketch goes with which product.  There was a good attempt with the positive/negative as the colored sketches show up more, but it looks be to very unorganized and confusing.  

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